
How controlled?

The internet has turned a large majority of the world into an unseen dictatorship, where people are influenced by anything on the internet. An untraceable addiction where the giants such as Facebook, google, Instagram can flip an election. This is a powerful resource used for malice as well for well being. The article Mind Control: It’s Happening to You Right Now speaks on the world today and how some of the giants of the technology world got so giant.

It’s Happening to You Right Now

Its not only happening to you right now according to Wayne Chilicki in the article Mind Control “When it comes to targeting kid consumers, we at General Mills follow the Procter & Gamble model of cradle to grave. We believe in getting them early and having them for life.” Mind controllers in other words a lot of our every day uses of technology, use a field called Captology where technology is used to change peoples attitudes and behaviors. Its a world of dictatorship used by humans on humans.

Photo by Arthur Osipyan on Unsplash


The novel Feed  by M.T. Anderson is a long step ahead in the future, an exaggerated and futuristic version of people being controlled by technology. The book begins with a couple guys taking a casual trip to the moon and find some girls to go along with them, they found out the moon on this school break was a cool place to go to through an advertisement. They arrive at the moon and didn’t look much like the pictures, but continued on following ads and technology to shape their trip.


The article Mind Control is a very basic beginning to what the book Feed suggests in the climax of technology being in control. Mind manipulation through use of an everyday necessity is something that can’t be stopped anymore, the study of captology is a giant in the money market and it was used on many of the tools we use every day such as google. Google can flip an election without notice and that is all through the use of controlling people through the use of technology. The technology that people used to cherish as a facilitator is now what controls them to sway one way or the other.