Reptilian Humanoids


The idea of Reptilian shape shifting extraterrestrials began with David Icke, a former BBC news sports reporter in 1998. The theory states that an elite group of lizards are our leaders today as said in the article The Reptilian Elite. “our corporate executives, our beloved Oscar-winning actors and Grammy-winning singers, and they’re responsible for the Holocaust, the Oklahoma City bombings and the 9/11 attacks.” Quoting David Ickes’  first book The Biggest Secret where he presented this possibility of reptiles living among us.


Within the article How to Spot the Reptilians Running the U.S Government  provides evidence suggesting that maybe even people around you are reptiles. The uses specific points in history saying “Thousands of years ago the reptilian beings (from the constellations Orion, Sirius, and Draco) intervened in planet Earth and began interbreeding with humans.” This quote means that a long time ago reptilian beings inserted DNA into humans and now the diversification of humans, it is impossible to notice a difference.

Photo by Ronda Darby on Unsplash

David Ickes’ biography on the article Do Reptilian-Human Hybrids Run our World? tells a story about what David Icke has been through,  how he has been considered insane, fired from BBC, and also been in politics as a member for the green party. But it does help convince the reader of what he’s saying is true, he demonstrates the deep study he had done in Peru where he had a spiritual awakening. He became a laughing stock through the awakening but shows possibilities that interest now 12 million people.

Ten Things You Should Know About the Reptilian Elite Conspiracy  enacts companionship on the subject, humans when told something they are very resistant to believe things. Especially if someone says that there are lizards running our world, with the facts supporting that 12 million people believe in this conspiracy and  that they are believed to have been on earth before mankind is a whole other speculation.


I don’t believe in this conspiracy theory, as it does contain some valid points and interesting ideals on the beginning of mankind. There are many other things that throw me off about the topic, such as the fact that only one person who was considered insane has done thorough research and made the majority of the assumptions on this breed of humans. I am a strong believer in something that is closely connected which is extraterrestrial, I believe that something else other than just earth is out there. The mindset is so small compared to the universe we live in, and thats why I also think that the media doesn’t need to keep anything like this away from people.



How controlled?

The internet has turned a large majority of the world into an unseen dictatorship, where people are influenced by anything on the internet. An untraceable addiction where the giants such as Facebook, google, Instagram can flip an election. This is a powerful resource used for malice as well for well being. The article Mind Control: It’s Happening to You Right Now speaks on the world today and how some of the giants of the technology world got so giant.

It’s Happening to You Right Now

Its not only happening to you right now according to Wayne Chilicki in the article Mind Control “When it comes to targeting kid consumers, we at General Mills follow the Procter & Gamble model of cradle to grave. We believe in getting them early and having them for life.” Mind controllers in other words a lot of our every day uses of technology, use a field called Captology where technology is used to change peoples attitudes and behaviors. Its a world of dictatorship used by humans on humans.

Photo by Arthur Osipyan on Unsplash


The novel Feed  by M.T. Anderson is a long step ahead in the future, an exaggerated and futuristic version of people being controlled by technology. The book begins with a couple guys taking a casual trip to the moon and find some girls to go along with them, they found out the moon on this school break was a cool place to go to through an advertisement. They arrive at the moon and didn’t look much like the pictures, but continued on following ads and technology to shape their trip.


The article Mind Control is a very basic beginning to what the book Feed suggests in the climax of technology being in control. Mind manipulation through use of an everyday necessity is something that can’t be stopped anymore, the study of captology is a giant in the money market and it was used on many of the tools we use every day such as google. Google can flip an election without notice and that is all through the use of controlling people through the use of technology. The technology that people used to cherish as a facilitator is now what controls them to sway one way or the other.



Player One is Ready

The first 93

The first 93 pages of the book Ready Player One demonstrates the life of a teenager Wade Watts. The greatest video game ever created turned into a competition not to only those who used video games but to the whole world. A competition intended for the world of the future worth hundreds of billions of dollars, after the death of the creator of this video game who turned into one of the richest after his creation announced that whoever finds the “easter egg” had all his riches.

The world had come to a state that no one imagines today, where the earth has overpopulated to the rim and people are fortunate if they find a job, the alternative however to life for people of all ages was the OASIS. Halliday’s ultimate creation. Where this game was a life on a different planet in a video game console, everything that the world couldn’t supply anymore the game supplied, education, sports, movies, books, it was a real world.

Photo by Tomasz Frankowski on Unsplash

Utopian Society

OASIS is an escape of the future into a different future. Imagine a world within a gaming console, that is used as jobs for people, daily activities, all of your life essentially other than food and where you sleep is in that console.

In Wade Watts case like majority of others in the world, escaped for a reason into the virtual world. There were many reasons for Wade to stay into this virtual reality but the main reason was because of who he was and his background. His parents died when he was young and his guardian which was now his aunt, he wasn’t welcome in her room and couldn’t bring anything of value home or she’d take it and sell it. He spent most of his time and slept in his hideout, this is where he kept the computers that he went on for the OASIS.

Most people who lived in the stacks didn’t have jobs at all, the future overpopulated as ever made life really hard for people without jobs. The OASIS was the nearest thing to a good life possible. “The school strictly enforced dress code, and required that all avatars be human, and of the same age and gender of the student.” (Pg. 28) The school had rules like the ones in the real world. That means that everyone even with all this overdose in people still get educated and rules are still taught and enforced and if not the students are disciplined. The real world was not a good place anymore it turned into a wasteland and it was overcrowded. “The real public school system, the one run by the government, had been an underfunded, overcrowded train wreck for decades.” (pg.31)


Its Real

Ernest Clyne makes the future feel like technology is the new living. Lives are in technology literally! Big games today that are free roam, large maps games allow you to create an avatar give it a name and live a very basic scaled life within that game. This book is that concept in a much larger scale.

The book up to the point thats been discussed is a Utopia in a sense of the future. It is very unhealthy because things like, exercise don’t really exist, and food is all in packets, pollution fills the air. But it allows people to almost go back in time where, they can enjoy the little things such as mrs. Gilmore go to church and Wade can hangout with his friend, and can get educated although he has no money. This utopia isn’t for the time being because its not a perfect world for the humans of today, but maybe someday it will be.

Presenting Success

“When I go to the press conference before the game, in my mind the game has already started.” – Jose Mourinho

What does the common person think of when they here the word art? They think paintings, movies, sketches, sculptures, photoshop. Most of the time they think of something crafted by someone. Anything that is mastered or worked on by someone is a form of art.


Statue of David – Known as a famous piece of art a presentation







Camine Gallo published an article in Forbes that is titled  “70% Say presentation skills are critical for career success”. In soccer its the same way for most players today, they perform in practice get a salary make a team and when the day comes to present their skills to the world they either make it or just don’t impress as they should. For example the Brazil international team loss against Germany in 2014 they thought they were gonna win, and Brazil biggest loss they had ever had.

Meme of Brazils biggest loss

As Gallo states that the fear of presenting is very real in todays modern day America, for him he uses something to help him keep on track and new so that is it innovative and helps people understand how incisive and clear he wants to be. It’s very relatable to soccer coaches as people believe they are very cocky people they say their players are the best and his team, so all eyes are there and trusts himself and his team to perform and succeed. For example Jose Mourinho has so much trust in himself and the team he builds that he has won a major championship in every league! He doesn’t fail to impress many people. When he knows he’s gonna win he makes it clear before the game and intensifies his image to all that watch.

Jose Mourinho – Most successful manager ever

On a separate video David JP Phillips shares his thoughts on powerpoint and describes it as an art, then asks a question that puzzles me. “Why do power points look the way they look, how can we except the way they look as a form of presenting them for your well being?!” This quote is very similar to ads when it comes to presenting clothing or athletes, they want to present an athlete and get their word across with a slogan they created. For example the risk everything nike commercial where they got the worlds top players of different nationalities and placed them in this commercial in a very simple but interesting way.

Risk everything Nike commercial – Best and most known players from every country. 

“If it isn’t written, Write it yourself” Mr. Phillips says as he had gone through similar problems with boredom in presentations, he read books, searched for seminars, and tried books but then he came across this quote that sparked his intelligence in presenting. As in many of the players I have looked up to is because of the belief in the quote “If it isn’t written, write it yourself” because theirs no better way in presenting success if you don’t leave your comfort zone, or try something unexpected. Lionel Messi signed a contract at age 13 with FC Barcelona a famous club in Spain. He moved from Argentina to Barcelona and became the worlds best player 5 times.

Ronaldinho Gaucho – “King Of Barcelona”
Lionel Messi – Best player in the world 5 times








The big idea of presenting is making it so its not one of the others. If its not written for you write it yourself and present it yourself, The big idea isn’t so big its simple but shows so much more intelligence in its simplicity.

“Im not a number i’m not the same, I different”

– Jose Mourinho