Suburban Culture

Introduction to Suburban Culture

Suburban culture has come through a lot of change over time, the beginning of this culture consisted of suburbs being a home for migrant workers and the poor. Originally the really wealthy wanted to be as near to the city as possible, now the rise of the automobile and spacious quiet, gated communities make suburbs a wealthy destination.

The Suburban culture is very different from other cultures because the people who are nothing alike, some believe that suburban culture is a refugee for malice due to the privacy of the lifestyle. Matt Lassiter explains the element of hidden lifestyles and the history of how suburbs are a place where people caricature and get away with the idea that your doing something deep and profound. 

A Brief History

The rein of the suburbs began in the mid 19th century where the sheer pressure of population drove cities to expand outwards in cities like London and industrial towns like Manchester. Once the outskirts of the cities were home to many people, the concept of ideology within the society developed. The culture has four major ideologies of suburbs, Evangelicalism: Where corruption in the city occurs in the suburbs it is considered a “moral refuge”. Sanitarianism: Hygienic alternative suburbs are considered “clean aired”. Romanticism: Detached residences and private gardens are considered much more desirable than the close quarters in the city. Class Segregation: Cities became manufacturing centers filled with industrial workers and suburbs were seen as exclusive retreats. These four ideologies set up a unique group of people with its own special diversity within this culture. 

Photo by Daniel Barnes on Unsplash

Social, Structural, or Religious Aspects of the Suburban Culture

Social aspects of the modern suburban culture are very versatile. People from around the world live in the suburbs of big cities, which allows social groups of people from diverse religions to meet and become close friends and improve the atmosphere of the culture in general. Due to the element of working from home, men and women get very isolated from the outside world and form social groups as well as coach their youths athletic events and support the team also known as “team moms”. Religions within the suburban culture as a population is very diverse but christianity is very openly practiced. Children ranging from pre-school to high school have the option of attending christian schools where they will study the religion every day along with curriculum of a normal school.


Individuals who grow up in the suburban culture speak of the suburb they live in as a very separate community, such as Windermere whenever someone mentions the city it is mentioned as “downtown”. Most suburbs are also reasonably small with a few big neighborhoods and gated communities, they use the names as a general location. Also something that is very common as a point of destination is the use of names such as the only mcdonald’s in that suburb people, use that as a broad location. In contrary to the big city where there might be three or four of the same fast food restaurant in that area.


I chose this culture because I have lived in both a suburb and the big city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. I wanted to learn and figure out the culture I have been living in for the past nine years. I believe the element of Tranquility really helped me understand how the Suburban culture may not be for everyone, as well as how this tranquility and privacy might make a suburb a good place for unjust actions to occur. Matt Lassiter really opened up my view, when he stated that the feeling of something happening that is deep and profound. Many people moved to suburbs to get away from the malice that has been known to happen in the city, but suburbs aren’t as different as people think. The American way of life is very competitive, and suburbs allow the people to show what they have achieved such as big houses, fancy cars, private schools, and living in a neighborhood among many wealthy people. This ideal has grown suburbs tremendously in my opinion because it allows people to show off.

Reptilian Humanoids


The idea of Reptilian shape shifting extraterrestrials began with David Icke, a former BBC news sports reporter in 1998. The theory states that an elite group of lizards are our leaders today as said in the article The Reptilian Elite. “our corporate executives, our beloved Oscar-winning actors and Grammy-winning singers, and they’re responsible for the Holocaust, the Oklahoma City bombings and the 9/11 attacks.” Quoting David Ickes’  first book The Biggest Secret where he presented this possibility of reptiles living among us.


Within the article How to Spot the Reptilians Running the U.S Government  provides evidence suggesting that maybe even people around you are reptiles. The uses specific points in history saying “Thousands of years ago the reptilian beings (from the constellations Orion, Sirius, and Draco) intervened in planet Earth and began interbreeding with humans.” This quote means that a long time ago reptilian beings inserted DNA into humans and now the diversification of humans, it is impossible to notice a difference.

Photo by Ronda Darby on Unsplash

David Ickes’ biography on the article Do Reptilian-Human Hybrids Run our World? tells a story about what David Icke has been through,  how he has been considered insane, fired from BBC, and also been in politics as a member for the green party. But it does help convince the reader of what he’s saying is true, he demonstrates the deep study he had done in Peru where he had a spiritual awakening. He became a laughing stock through the awakening but shows possibilities that interest now 12 million people.

Ten Things You Should Know About the Reptilian Elite Conspiracy  enacts companionship on the subject, humans when told something they are very resistant to believe things. Especially if someone says that there are lizards running our world, with the facts supporting that 12 million people believe in this conspiracy and  that they are believed to have been on earth before mankind is a whole other speculation.


I don’t believe in this conspiracy theory, as it does contain some valid points and interesting ideals on the beginning of mankind. There are many other things that throw me off about the topic, such as the fact that only one person who was considered insane has done thorough research and made the majority of the assumptions on this breed of humans. I am a strong believer in something that is closely connected which is extraterrestrial, I believe that something else other than just earth is out there. The mindset is so small compared to the universe we live in, and thats why I also think that the media doesn’t need to keep anything like this away from people.




A Utopia is a living strategy everyone reaches for, when people believe that they are living the best they possibly can trust is credited to whoever gave them the life. It depends on what a Utopia is to an individual and how do they know what is best for the others who follow the lead.


Jim Jones believed that he could create a perfect utopia, as the whole nation of the United States did with him. He recruited all the people who didn’t have anything during time of segregation and poverty then took them to “peoples temple”, The mistreated society fell in love with the vision of having someone like Jim Jones who cares about everyone and tells them “If you need a father i’ll be your father. If you need a god i’ll be your god.” As his vision turned into something extremely large he felt the need to get away from the city as he relocated peoples temple to the jungle in Guyana. He gave everyone a home and a happy environment, eliminated money and poverty which gave these people everything they have ever wanted, that was impossible to achieve in the real world no matter the cause.

It seemed like a perfect life for anyone who had previously had been treated with inequality. Moreover, certain people became uncomfortable and threatened by Jim Jones, people where stuck if they requested to leave they would be treated with affection and would feel guilty and stay. They were forced to work almost 20 hours of the day, and whatever Jones says is done, along with the experiment of loyalty; Jones serves the people in Jonestown juice and they all drink it, then tells them its poison just to see who wasn’t loyal.

People started noticing that he had to much control and this turned Jones into a bad image to all of his people and it spills out into the world, changing Jonestown from a Utopia to a Dystopia.


The Village

Culture is the biggest factor of The Village the movie shows how the elders: the group of founders that have established a safe haven from the outside world. Limited the technology from the rest who were raised in this safe haven, and present them with a lie to keep them away from the rest of the world. The elders were like a government who made all the decisions in this society and scare people into staying in this village. The elders all had a reason to why they didn’t want to live in the world.

A costume and a mythical creature was established to contain the village of oblivious citizens within this threshold. The death of a young boy sparked a change in the mind of his close friend Lucius, who asked the elders for permission to go to the “towns” which was the name of the outside world. Denied to go outside of the boundaries, love created a conflict and he was stabbed and very ill, the girl he was engaged with Ivy was not giving up just yet as she herself chose to venture into the towns and pass through the forbidden lands.

Through disgust one of the elders decided that it was not right to contain this feeling and hold someone back from attempting to help someone, she discovered it was all a lie and made it back with supplies and helped her true love live.

Photo by Evan Kirby on Unsplash

Jonestown & The Village

Many societal problems tend to be similar with dystopias. A lot of people want to escape from reality and it is because the real world is a horrible place for most, these utopias gave people an alternative and it never starts with bad intentions. When someone or a group of people believes in something they will go far distances for other people to understand and live the way they live. The problem is where they get lost, to where they think: because the outside world isn’t for them, why would the others go out there and even try? At that point the leaders such as Jim Jones and the Elders lose track of what is right and what is wrong.

Utopias turn into Dystopias very quickly, the one incredible thing that the world can never take away from people is difference. Once people settle in utopias and lose the right to be different, it isn’t a utopia anymore through the effect of containment.

Self contained societies are the closest things to utopias for a certain amount of time, until someone different, combats the idea of it being good. Societies such as the Village give no choice through being scared but there are no walls holding people back from doing as they wish, in the case of the village the combination of love and a conflict changed everything.

Photo by Smart on Unsplash