Reptilian Humanoids


The idea of Reptilian shape shifting extraterrestrials began with David Icke, a former BBC news sports reporter in 1998. The theory states that an elite group of lizards are our leaders today as said in the article The Reptilian Elite. “our corporate executives, our beloved Oscar-winning actors and Grammy-winning singers, and they’re responsible for the Holocaust, the Oklahoma City bombings and the 9/11 attacks.” Quoting David Ickes’  first book The Biggest Secret where he presented this possibility of reptiles living among us.


Within the article How to Spot the Reptilians Running the U.S Government  provides evidence suggesting that maybe even people around you are reptiles. The uses specific points in history saying “Thousands of years ago the reptilian beings (from the constellations Orion, Sirius, and Draco) intervened in planet Earth and began interbreeding with humans.” This quote means that a long time ago reptilian beings inserted DNA into humans and now the diversification of humans, it is impossible to notice a difference.

Photo by Ronda Darby on Unsplash

David Ickes’ biography on the article Do Reptilian-Human Hybrids Run our World? tells a story about what David Icke has been through,  how he has been considered insane, fired from BBC, and also been in politics as a member for the green party. But it does help convince the reader of what he’s saying is true, he demonstrates the deep study he had done in Peru where he had a spiritual awakening. He became a laughing stock through the awakening but shows possibilities that interest now 12 million people.

Ten Things You Should Know About the Reptilian Elite Conspiracy  enacts companionship on the subject, humans when told something they are very resistant to believe things. Especially if someone says that there are lizards running our world, with the facts supporting that 12 million people believe in this conspiracy and  that they are believed to have been on earth before mankind is a whole other speculation.


I don’t believe in this conspiracy theory, as it does contain some valid points and interesting ideals on the beginning of mankind. There are many other things that throw me off about the topic, such as the fact that only one person who was considered insane has done thorough research and made the majority of the assumptions on this breed of humans. I am a strong believer in something that is closely connected which is extraterrestrial, I believe that something else other than just earth is out there. The mindset is so small compared to the universe we live in, and thats why I also think that the media doesn’t need to keep anything like this away from people.